This past year I've been getting settled in for my last year in high school at a new youth group. It's been really fun - and I've made so many incredible new friends, and gotten to know some people I had already known. It's been a super great experience. When I heard about this winter retreat they go on, I thought there was no way I was doing that. AC, (also known as Adventurous Christian) is a small little camp up the Gunflint Trail (in Grand Marias) is a small cabin, that holds about 50 people, home cooked meals, games, spending time in the Word, with each other... wait, so what's the bad part? There is no running water, which means no toilets. Which means you go to the bathroom outside, and it's like 10 degrees. Blah.
Anyway! It was great. It turned out better than I thought, and the people made it worth peeing in the woods. HAhahahaa, I'm just such a city girl. :P Hope you enjoyed the pictures! Last but not least... I made a video, and it's not super fun unless you were there, because I don't know, but that's the way it is and here it is: AC 2015