Sunday, September 6, 2015


Sooo folks, here I am. At college. It's been an adventure. A weird one. Mostly fun, exciting, and refreshing but also very sad, lonely and scary. I, for the most part, have been enjoying myself, but it's also been really hard. Moving into a new place where you only know a handful of people, you have to really learn how to get to know people. Friendship takes time, which was no surprise. After all, I just did this 3 years ago, but it's the worst feeling in the world being surrounded by so many people and still feeling alone. As the weeks go on, I feel more comfortable joining tables of familiar faces (people whose names I still don't know) and asking random girls to just come join you for lunch. I'm so excited to feel like I have a community here.... I know the days are coming. ;)

I know this is where God wants me. Through the struggles and the unknowns, I want to be here. I want to create community like I've never known before, I want to learn, I want to feel lonely, because I want to be vulnerable and make new friends. I want to grow in my relationship with Christ.

So what have I been up to? Besides classes, strategically spending my freshman food plan, piles of homework, and running down the hallways late at night, I've been spending time in the city. At new coffee shops, farmers markets, antique shops I've never seen before, hammock-ing in the middle of the campus, and shooting weddings non stop. (I've literally had a wedding every weekend since I got here.) Also! Nannying these sweet baby faces you'll see below. Seriously, love them. I've always wanted to be a nanny.

I'm so thankful for this new chapter of my life, and the learning process that comes with it. Thanks to all the friends and family members that have texted, visited, sent letters, called, you name it. I'm so thankful for such a support system, near and far. You guys rock my world. If you wanna write, send me a message and I'll send you my address! (I promise to write back!)

Thanks for reading friends, just wanted to give a little update. Feel free to follow along on instagram (lol, self promotion... but seriously, I post the most there. @kiley_marissa)

Now, for the fun part -

1 comment:

  1. I have a lot of the same feels. it will be good for me, just so different. and oooh farmers market! ;) have a blessed year kiley.
